Tuesday 24 September 2013

College Magazine Front Cover Analysis

Masthead: The masthead on this particular magazine is partially obscured; however, we as the audience can infer from the covered letters and the sell lines that this magazine is called COLLEGE. This is so as to give the magazine a more professional look, the masthead sticks to the established convention of covering the entire width of the magazine. The practise of partially obscuring the masthead can also be used on more well know magazines as most people will know the magazine by look and colour scheme alone. The covered effect tells the audience that this particular magazine is already established and a good purchase.
Strapline: The strapline to this issue of COLLEGE is THE INAUGURAL ISSUE SUMMER 2009 this is positioned in the top right hand corner in smaller text than most of the cover this is so that the information is there in an obvious place for those whom seek it; however, it does not take up much space for the rest of the cover. The fact that it is the Inaugural issue leads the audience to believe the contents will be related to inauguration which could generate more interest in the magazine for those interested in news of this nature. 
Skyline: The skyline is an additional sentence to generate interest in the magazine through a 'exclusive' special attraction, such attraction for this magazine is 'YOUR EXCLUSIVE GUIDE TO EVERYTHING HIP, HOT AND HAPPENING'  this would incite interest in the audience of college students whom wish to stay 'trendy' and 'up to date'. It is positioned in the top left hand side of the magazine in a similar font size to the strapline, this is due to the fact that the skyline is usually indirectly related to the magazine and therefore unspecific it is only there to entice those who read it. The generalisation of Skyline enticement is that is usually has three descriptive words and usually alliteration, the rule of three and alliteration create a sense of interest in the magazine with the audience and this is the skylines sole purpose.
Price: The price of this particular magazine is a high one and is therefore small and at the base of the magazine whereas a cheaper counterpart would likely have its price big and bold this magazine we can infer from its price is quite thick and of good quality; however, they keep the price small so as not to deter people from even looking at the rest of the cover. The price of this magazine is $4.99 US / $5.99 CAN this tells us that this magazine is sold multinational so is unlikely to be tied to one particular college this would make the audience feel as if they could learn more about what is going on overall for colleges and not just their own.
Main Image: The main image in this particular example is a medium shot of a college student, it is a positive representation of a model student; hip and trendy yet studious, he is almost a role model for other college students and those wanting to be successful at college whilst maintaining a social/trendy outlook may wish to buy this magazine to find out more about how - who we can infer from the Anchorage Text is Jeffrey ‘ASSASIN’ Campbell – maintains such qualities. Also his personal appearance of clothing suits the colour scheme of the magazine and blends in well seeming almost natural. The picture is also a form of direct address with him looking out into the audience this gives the impression of him being welcoming.
Sell Lines: The sell lines on this particular magazine are on either side of the main image and are justified with a small margin this complies to the conventions of a professional magazine; however they are also very unorganised in the sense of colours fonts and size with one or two of them larger or in a different font and the colours seem to be in a random pattern. The disorganised look may have been done purposefully to draw in a college age audience as this would appeal to them as a professional magazine with a more colloquial approach.
Colour Scheme: the colour scheme is very basic yet effective, this colour scheme is created to emphasise the sell lines and anchorage text which it does extremely well this is the case in most other professional magazines where the focus is to attract a wider audience through sell lines and the related articles.
Slogan: This particular magazine has no slogan in particular and I believe that this is due to the fact that it likely has no or little competition as it is only sold on college campuses the campus in question would have to request orders and therefore it is already sold and would not need a slogan to make it stand out from competitors.
Anchorage Text: the anchorage text refers to Jeffrey 'ASSASIN Campbell who we gather is a model student this is a good example of anchorage text as it will entice the audience to read more, the target audience is college students so seeing a model student on the front cover is promising to them as to how to become a 'model student' and study well, do well and have fun doing it.
Layout: the layout of the magazine is the basic layout of most magazines with the masthead at the top, main image and sell lines making up the main body of the cover and the barcode/skyline etc. filling in any other spaces. this is because the importance of conventional aspects of a cover page are enlarged or belittled depending on their appeal to the target audience and importance toward repetitive recognition e.g. the mast head will always be large as it relates to the magazine itself.