Tuesday 13 May 2014

Evaluation: Looking back at our preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

 I believe my skill when using the software has increased to the extent that the final piece I made for the music magazine is of much better quality as I have improved throughout this process I have learnt to take time when it comes to the creation and not to stretch my images as this causes pixilation I am proud of my final piece and although I know I have come a long way I believe I could have easily improved upon my work by doing more planning before creating and taking the time to do more research.

Evaluation: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

these are the websites and software I used to create my media product and enhance/create my blog, throughout this process I have learnt to use these much better than I could and have come across both prezi and slide share for the first time. this has helped me further my knowledge and experience with such software and similar software, I have increased my skill when using them also and now feel I have bettered myself when it comes to confidence in using these.

Evaluation: How did you attract your audience?

I have used young people in my images in order to appeal to the age range I am trying to represent and generate interest with, I also used 'cool' font styles and easy to read language as well as large bold text, 'splashes', and what would be considered as interesting sell lines by the audience.

Evaluation: Who would be the audience for your magazine?

These are two of the questions I used in my questionnaire and as you can see the clearly chosen genres were rock and rap so I tried to merge these two into one magazine which is a harder task than I thought at first due to the diversity of the two genres; however, I believe in the end the product came out well... also in the questionnaire I found out that these genres were chosen by a largely 21 and under audience and therefore I decided to target the magazine at this age range which led to me using bold yet positively connoted colours in order to entice this specific audience. as well as keeping the articulated language to a minimum as it tends to disinterest this age range.

Evaluation: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC media may distribute my magazine as it publishes a large variety of magazines nationwide they sell magazines to a large audience via supermarkets, convenience stores and other retail outlets. This would give a large platform for my magazine to start at. http://www.ipcmedia.com/
IPC media produce a wide variety of magazines selling nationwide this would mean it is a viable option to try and start my media product at as it would be an established and trusted publisher with many outputs meaning my magazine would reach the widest audience. as well as professional help with editing etc. and funding.
IPC media would be a great publisher to start off my magazine with as they are trusted and have a lot of experience with magazine publishing with a large database of customers and a wide outreach it would be a key foothold in the industry for my media product to begin with and have prior experience with music magazines.

Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups?