Saturday 9 November 2013

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

Serif DrawPlus X6 - I don’t believe I have improved in using this software at all as the tools I used to help me create my magazine I already knew/ used beforehand in other subjects/ previous years.
Camera’s - My knowledge of cameras beforehand was basic and I could produce okay photos with little/ no blur, however I had little knowledge of the positive effects on an audience when different angles/ poses are used and the variety of effects the camera can do.
Blogger - I have blogged previously outside of education however not using this specific site, therefore the technology wasn’t new to me. However,  whilst blogging I had to adapt to the layout of this site; this meant it took a little time for me to adjust and start producing things to the best standard I could.
Photoshop - Whilst creating my college magazine I attempted to use Photoshop to edit my main image however this turned out to be more difficult than expected… I hadn‘t used this version of the software before and so the layout was slightly different to what I was used to, this meant that the process was slower than it could have been; however, I got there in the end and feel that my skills with the software this version in specific have been improved.

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