Monday 31 March 2014

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (KERRANG) Main Image

Main Image - the main image used here is of the singer Taylor Momsen and I believe they have done this article on her due to the stigma surrounding her life the main image covers around 2/3 of the double page spread to emphasise the article is about her... the clash of the black and white in the image gives a very mysterious effect about her so therefore makes it seem as though there is a lot more to learn about her, this would make the audience want to learn more.

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (KERRANG) Text

Text - the text on this contents page is split into two columns and in a small but readable font style/size this is to include as much as possible on one page and keep it looking professional and orderly this is conventional to any magazine. this article likely did not have enough information to create three columns however they have increased the size the main image takes up on the page to create the same effect.

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (KERRANG) Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme - the colour scheme of this contents page is again red, white and black the red stands out especially against the white and black drawing attention to it from the audience; however on this particular magazine the black has been used most this could be to infer a dark side to the article or simply because it further increases the boldness of the red which again is used to highlight key parts to the article such as questions and also bits that may simply make the audience want to read on.

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (VIBE) Main Image

Main Image - the main image used here is of the rapper EMINEM and I believe they have done this article on him due to the stigma surrounding his life the main image takes up about a third of the two pages and the plain colours add to the effect of the blood dripping from him as this creates an enigma as to why there is blood in the image this makes the image very effective as well as the fact he is not using direct address and is looking away this makes it seem as though he has something to hide... something that may be revealed by the article.

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (VIBE) Text

Text - the text on this contents page is split into three columns and in a small but readable font style/size this is to include as much as possible on one page and keep it looking professional and orderly this is conventional to any magazine. I intend to replicate this layout for my own magazine. 

Music Magazine Review Double Page Spread (VIBE) Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme - the colour scheme of this contents page is red white and black the red stands out especially against the white and black drawing attention to it from the audience. this is possibly why the magazine have decided to use the red on the name of EMINEM and above the Masthead 'I almost died and I still went back to using' this also relates with the 'blood' in the main image drawing a large amount of attention to these features.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (THE SOURCE) Sub Text


Sub Text - the sub text on this contents page is extremely minimalistic and in some cases non-existent this could be due to the fact that the articles feature regularly and the company feel as though they are established enough to need no extra information as to the article content; however because my magazine is new and un-established I will not be adding so little sub text.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (THE SOURCE) Photographer Credit

Photographer Credit - The photographer is named on this page in the bottom right hand corner this is conventional for a music magazine as it is common courtesy to give credit to the photographer whom in this case is Travis Shinn.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (THE SOURCE) Page Numbering


Page Numbering - The page numbers are plainly shown and linked directly to articles through the Sub text. they are split into categories but are still in chronological order this is unusual for a music magazine as there simply isn't a way to order pages normally due to the range of articles so this is a little strange and I do not intend to do this on my magazine.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (THE SOURCE) Main Image


Main Image - The main image is of the rapper Ice Cube the camera shot is a close up making it seem as though the rapper is personally singled out the direct address of him looking into the camera adds to this effect. This would appeal to an audience and make them more likely to want to read on and find out more because of the popularity of this rapper and the direct address used in the image.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (THE SOURCE) Masthead


Masthead - Their is no Masthead to this contents page this is largely unconventional to a music magazine which usually have a clear masthead for each separate article or page for ease of use.

Monday 17 March 2014

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (KERRANG) Sub Text

Sub Text - The sub text for each article included in the contents page contains a small amount of information about the article itself and tends to say more about the band/musician the article is about this is to save space and again the fact that the magazine is for a niche genre means that the audience is likely to recognise the band names and need little more information than that to become interested.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (KERRANG) Photographer Credit

Photographer Credit - The photographer is not named on this page this is unconventional for a music magazine.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (KERRANG) Page Numbering

Page Numbering - The page numbers are linked to both images and text this is strange as usually the only image linked to a page is the main image however the fact that KERRANG is targeted at a minority genre of music people are more likely to recognise bands simply from an image this saves a lot of space in the magazine; the pages are however split into categories and are not in chronological order which is conventional to magazines in general.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (KERRANG) Main Image

Main Image - The main image is of Taylor Jardine this is a mid shot in an unconventional pose; the pose is almost as though she is reaching through the camera out the audience this is a major take on
 the direct address conventions, making the magazine seem even more personally suited. This would appeal to an audience and make them more likely to want to read on and find out more.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (KERRANG) Masthead

Masthead - The mast head is conventional to the stereotypical music magazine naming both the magazine and the page name in a bar spanning the width of the page it also fits the conventions of a contents page by including the date of release and issue number. This is something I would like to recreate in my magazine as it is both professional looking and informative.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (VIBE) Sub Text

Sub Text - The sub text for each article included in the contents page contains a small amount of information about the article itself and tends to say more about the author and photographer for each article this is unconventional for a music magazine and I have decided not to do this.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (VIBE) Photographer Credit

Photographer Credit - The photographer Simon Emmet is named twice in this contents page given clear credit for the photo this is conventional for a magazine as it means the image cannot be taken and used by other magazines.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (VIBE) Page Numbering

Page Numbering - This is only one of three pages dedicated to the contents this gives off the illusion that the magazine is bigger than it really is which is why Vibe do not span the masthead through the width of the page; the pages are however split into categories and are not in chronological order.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (VIBE) Main Image

Main Image - The main image is of Ciara Princess Harris this is a full body shot in a provocative pose, this is because it would be seen as attractive to the audience and make them more likely to want to read on and find out more.

Music Magazine Review Contents Page (VIBE) Masthead

Masthead - The mast head is slightly unusual for this magazine as rather than spanning the width of the page it is seemingly randomly separated onto three separate lines this is unconventional as it wastes space on the contents page. This is something I have decided not to do in my magazine as it would give the illusion I'm trying to fill space on the magazine making the audience think the magazine is shorter than it really is.

Monday 3 March 2014

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Layout

Layout: the layout is conventional for a music magazine with masthead spanning the page, main image to the centre of the page with sell lines to either side, this makes the magazine much easier for the audience to digest. This would mean the other aspects of the magazine work more effectively to enticing the audience to make a purchase.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Anchorage Text

Anchorage Text: ‘The Game Suicide is not an option' is the anchorage text used with the main image of The Game, this would generate interest in the magazine as suicide is a very controversial topic and those that are opinionated about this topic will want to see The Games' input and to possible enhance their own judgement on the topic, this topic in particular would generate a lot of interest.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Slogan

Slogan: the bible of hip hop music, culture and politics is the slogan of the source magazine and can be partially seen below the masthead although the end is covered by the main image this shows the brand is established enough to trust people will already know the slogan by the time they begin reading it this also makes the magazine look more professional in what they are doing and this professionalism would make an audience more inclined to purchase it.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme: the colour scheme on this particular magazine cover I would say is red and white which is unconventional to a magazine which usually have 3 colours to go on the colour scheme this again suits the rap styling of the magazine as rap is seen as rebellious and unconventional this would therefore conveys these ideas to the audience making them more likely to want to purchase the magazine.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Sell Lines

Sell Lines: The Sell lines are vague and focus mainly on names with the anchorage text much larger than the rest to stand out this would interest  a larger audience of people to read the magazine as it names a variety of rappers and even a hugely popular video game this would make anyone even slightly interested in these artists or even the video game to consider buying the magazine.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Main Image

Main Image: The main image is of  Jayceon Terrell Taylor A.K.A The Game who is facing the audience; however he is not looking directly at the camera this suits the rap styling of the magazine as the stereotype of rappers is someone who doesn't conform to normality. in the image the rap aspect is represented through use of prop with The Game holding a gun in his hand as commonly there is a link between thugs and rap, this appeals to the audience as it fits their conceptions of rap and could be even more effective than a usual cover as the addition of a prop to the image gives an impression of The Game to those who don't even know him, therefore making people more likely to buy the magazine.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Price

Price: The price of the magazine is £3.95 this would be considered cheap for a monthly magazine; however, to a first time buyer/ new audiences this would still be expensive this would be to keep the audience interested enough without being put off by the price.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Skyline

Skyline: The skyline is 'UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP PG.17' this draws attention as it is a huge change to the magazine and could affect the way it is run and made this could mean faster/slower distribution, a small change in genre or just changes in the views on controversial topics to link in with the Anchorage Text this would make people more likely to want to read it to learn of the changes and to see if the magazine suits them.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (The Source) Masthead

Masthead: The masthead is partially covered by the main image this shows that the brand is established and confident that they are noticeable to both new and regular readers as 'The SOURCE' the font used is bold and red outlined with white and black to make it stand out this is attractive to an audience as it is appealing and generates interest.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Layout

Layout: the layout is that of a generic magazine with skyline at the top with masthead below it main image to the centre with sell lines either side this is to make the magazine easily readable and more clear as to what the audience is to look at/read emphasising the most appealing things on the cover.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Anchorage Text

Anchorage Text: ‘Vicodin. Valium. Methadone. ''I literally almost died.'' EMINEM COMES CLEAN' is a huge story of a really troubling time for one of the most famous rappers in history and will make others whom are possibly in a similar position or know someone who is to want to read more. Also anyone who is a fan of Eminem is going to want to see how their idol was strong enough to get through it this makes the anchorage text well suited to both the main image and audience.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Slogan

Slogan: VIBE magazine does not have a slogan and therefore there isn't one on the magazine they may do this because they believe it has little effect and isn't as important as other features of the magazine.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme: the colour scheme is red and black on a white background the red and black not only mixes well but also stand out exceptionally well on the white background this is to draw attention to the sell lines and to make the audience more likely to buy it and also to attract a new audience by interesting them in the sell lines.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Sell Lines

Sell Lines: The sell lines reflect the main image well most of the sell lines only mention names of rappers; however, the sell lines related to actual stories within the magazine are about troubling times and how these rappers have overcome them. this again would create a connection between the audience and the rapper.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Main Image

Main Image: The main image is of the rapper Eminem (A.K.A Slim Shady, Marshall Mathers)He is represented as an independent strong character whom has dealt with a lot of troubles and considering the generic audience of rap is people in the same position (dealing with troubles) this would make it more likely for an audience to want to buy it as they feel a connection.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Price

Price: The price is not on  the front cover this may be because the magazine is considered expensive and they do not wish to promote the price widely to the audience it is likely the price is on the reverse of the magazine, this would be to keep the audience interested enough without being put off by the price.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Skyline

Skyline: The skyline is 'is 1998 rap's last classic year?' this draws attention as it is vague and yet a seemingly closed question making the audience more interested to find out the answer, it also mentions the type of music the magazine covers (rap) meaning an audience that likes rap music is more likely to take notice of this magazine in particular.

Music Magazine Review Front Cover (VIBE) Masthead

Masthead: The masthead is partially covered by the main image this is because the brand feels established enough to be able to use more room for the main image even though it means covering the masthead this means that regular readers will still know what magazine it is from the style and what is left of the masthead. The masthead is in a font that makes it look simple yet effective the colour blend of red and black will appeal to the 'mainstream' audience that usually follows rap music as they tend to be attracted to 'cool' looking things.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Layout

Layout: The layout is much more organised than an average magazine which splits up the sell lines and clutters the cover with images with sell lines and related images to the left and main image to the right and sell lines beneath this makes it very easy to read and clear where everything is making it stand out more to the audience.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Anchorage Text

Anchorage Text: ‘We’re taking over America’ is the anchorage text used on the main image of Asking Alexandria, this would make audiences wonder as to what the text means, if there is a tour etc. making them more likely to purchase the magazine.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Slogan

Slogan: Kerrang’s brand slogan is ‘Where life is loud’ this is not on the magazine. This may be because either they believe it will provide little to the success of selling the magazine or they believe they are established enough for people to be able to remember the slogan without prompt.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme: the colour scheme is meant to grab attention and give information the style of blue, black and white does this well this means that the creators wanted this information to stand out and appeal to the audience which is why it is made easily noticeable and distinct from the rest of the cover, making it likely one of the first places an audience would look before purchasing showing off such things through sell lines colour schemes make this more effective.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Sell Lines

Sell Lines: The Sell lines are band names with one main story at the bottom this would incite the widest range of people to read the magazine as it would show the magazine covers a variety of bands this would mean it covers a lot of peoples favourite/more liked bands this would mean more likely sales.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Main Image

Main Image: The main image is of the band Asking Alexandria each member is looking at the camera directly addressing the audience. They are represented as a rock group and rebellious this appeals to the audience as most people that buy this magazine like rock music and are in a sense ‘rebellious’. This would make it more likely for an audience to want to buy it    

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Price

Price: The price is not on  the front cover this may be because the magazine is considered expensive and they do not wish to promote the price widely to the audience it is likely the price is on the reverse of the magazine, this would be to keep the audience interested enough without being put off by the price.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Skyline

Skyline: The skyline is ’30 seconds to mars: unplugged – front row review’ this draws attention as it is an interview with a famous band and those whom like or wish to know more about the band would want to read about it and therefore are more likely to buy the magazine.

Music Magazine Front Cover Review (Kerrang) Masthead

Masthead: The masthead is partially covered by the main image this shows that the brand is established enough that regular readers and possibly even new ones can tell that this magazine is called Kerrang. The masthead is in a font that makes it look like shattered glass this implies rebellion and appeals to the audience of Punk/Goth/Emo music listeners as they tend to feel rebellious or different.